Thursday, November 10, 2016

Day 9&10 of OUR 90 day challeneg :)

Sorry Guys it seems like I either forget the get the blog up or just don't have time,
but I'm here for days 9 and currently on day 10!!!!!!!
Ive been feeling semi good, energy is still super low but that's from lack of sleep
which 2 kids do that to you.
Yesterday I spent ALL day cleaning so I didn't do a workout so ill just say that's
a rest day even though I didn't rest at all.
today I did workout and clean so I'm still on track ive been looking back on old journey pictures for last year when I tried to do this and failed, and I know I'm making the changes to never go back to the old body.. I'm so ready for the end of this 90 day challenge to see my results and to start a whole new journey!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Day 8 :)

                                                           Hola Friends!!!
Today is day is day 8 of OUR challenge.
My thighs are extremely sore today which makes me happy
it means progress is happening.
I'm hopping that come December I see some change in my body if not
I will be horribly upset.
My feeling today hmmmm getting better id say.
I stayed on my feel as long as possible and as much as I could at any given time!


Sunday, November 6, 2016

Day 4-7 of OUR chanllege.

Hola everyone, I'm sorry
Its been a few days since I've been able to blog between working out and my husband and kids I really just haven't had the time to sit down and blog I've been so tired. My little one has been
keeping me up at night and all night so my days drag on.
Anyhow lets jump into how I'm feeling or have been feeling over the past few days!

Simply put I've been feeling good just tired. I am doing a workout everyday
sometimes more then one which makes me happy to know I'm burning
calories that aren't sitting making me larger then I already am.
so when we first started this journey we weighted our self's and agreed not to do another weight in until December and I failed at I choose to do a sneak weigh in and not make it count
so kind of pretending it didn't happen lol but when I started I was
178 and when I weighted my self it was 174-175. that means I'm down a few pounds
BUT I'm not marking it or doing anything with that number because it can very well
change and go up or down PLUS our weigh in isn't for another month!
I'm still terrified that I wont see a change in my body even if the weight is off I need to see the
body change or ill never be happy
I'm still working on cutting out soda but it happens to be harder then I thought!!
 so I figured every time I drink soda I have to complete a workout. that way I'm burning calories
 that are being taken in that are bad. also drinking more water to flush the extra sugar out of  my body!

This week my partner in this all has left to go hunting with her family. so I'm trying to  make her
proud and keep up with our daily workouts like planned
I don't want to fall behind!
She is doing AMAZING and sometimes I get a tad Jealous because of how much progress she has made she has lost so much and is getting smaller and working her ass off to get there
and I'm so proud of her and i don't think she even knows how proud i am.
i want to lose the weight not only for my self but for my family and i know she wants the same. and we together will get there! Shes my bestfriend and i will push her to do the best she can
and we will hit our goals and be the sexy wifes and stunning moms we want to be!!
wow this turned into a ramble again lol oh well

OHHHH and forgot to mention i bought 5lbs weights to add to the workout
and man i can feel the difference between the 3lb and the 5lb. my arms cry after a workout now lol but yay for feeling pain that means its working!
any how goodnight bloggers and I will be back tomorrow to update you again :)

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Day 4 Challenge :) (Slight Ramble)

So today was day 4 of OUR challenge and to honest I feel like I've
kind of failed
instead of doing my normal 42 minute workout I only was able to do half of it
today my kids did not nap long as normal which is an excuse and
that makes me feel like crap because I know I have it in me to do better
be better. Tomorrow I WILL do better.
Today my energy level was kind of on the lower side which is probably because
my eating has been really shitty today.
I need to find a balance for food intake and my workout because I cant seem to feel
like I'm making any difference with my body.
but I crave food so often I don't know what to do. I have tried drinking a bottle of  water before
eating and that doesn't help ive tried eating veggies before anything else with dinner doesn't work.
I really have to figure this out!!!

So anyhow its 12:32AM and I guess tomorrow or day 5
ill be doing an extra workout to help make up the missed half of the workout I didn't
get to finish today.
My bestfriend Becky is LEAVING me for a whole week!!!!!
which would be fine BUT I need her she's part of what keeps me going when I feel like I want to give up, Sorry this blog is more of a ramble of things slopped together. but sometimes
I don't know where to start or end the blog seeing as its sort of a diary for me to keep track of this journey from FAT TO FIT :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Day 2-3 Of 90 day challenge.

Day 2 and 3 of my 90 day challenge its getting easier remember why I'm doing this my diet has been kind of shitty and that's got to change BUT my workout is getting longer and that's always nice!!!
I'm not looking to lose all my weight over night but it would be nice to start seeing a little change. I know its only been 3 days but even if just the bloat was gone id be happy,
My energy level is in the middle id give it s 5 out of 10 hoping that goes up as the days piles on, the days I don't walk I do my weight workout I've been watching YouTube videos to learn more moves to tone different parts of my body!!  I've been making sure to squat because lets face it I want a nice butt and flat belly and I'm ready to work for it.
My goal weight is still 130 at least for now once I get there if I'm still not happy I will aim lower but lets just see when we get there :) 

Day 2 & 3 My goal is 30-45 minute workout and if I cant get it done all at once ill so 15 minute work outs until its complete :)
 Well lets get started!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 31, 2016

Day 1

Well Today is Day 1 of my journey,  I'm excited that its finally get started!!!

So Day 1 Happened to fall on Halloween so it was a lot of running around which is great for keeping me on my feet, I took my kids trick or treating and ended up walking for almost 3 full hours which is GREAT since the goal for day was o walk at least 30 full minutes.
my phone died so I wasn't able to fully keep track of my steps but I know it was over  8000.
Now for the other half of the challenge Is the diet side I would like to stay within 1200-1500 calories a day to keep my body running smooth while losing weight :)
SO food wise I didn't really get to sit down for a real meal with all the running around we did..

so this was my day 1 I am aware this wasn't very interesting but its  2 am and I'm so tired so goodnight!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Day Before My Life Changes

So Its the Day before I start my 90 day challenge and I figured id blog my feelings
Honestly I'm SCARED that I wont see change or I will get unmotivated 
and fail.  I want to change my life not only to get fit but to get healthy and happy.   I am currently 178 lbs. and feel gross and I don't want to feel this way anymore, I only stand 5'2 inches and according to doctors I am OBESE.  That is one of the most depressing things I had heard in a while.  its one thing to think that your on the
larger side but to be TOLD is a whole different feeling. I've always wanted to be the HOT wife the one that makes all his guys friends jealous or made peoples head turn when they'd see me walking down the road, never did I think id be the girl trying to hide my face so no one would see me, so that's why Me and My BESTFRIEND  both decided we were fed up with being "fat" (even though I LOVE HER the way she is) we want better for ourselves and our ---families and that starts with US getting in shape and healthy :) 

Introduction of a Fat To Fit Mommy

Hey There, My Names Denise, If you have stumbled across my page WELCOME..

I've started this blog as a way to share my journey  as I go from being FAT to FIT

So I'm going to give you a little Information about WHO I am ..

Well to start my name is Denise I am 25 years old I married my bestfriend and biggest pain in the ass  John  on 11/16/2013 We together have a two beautiful little girls McKenzie and Anastasia, John works as a Tow Trucker Operator and he LOVES it, I am a stay at home mom (which I love by the way) When I met my husband and before we had our girls I didn't hate my body I didn't love it but I was okay with it, Now I've hit a point where I HATE it, looking in the mirror makes me cry and trying on clothes doesn't happen anymore, BUT all that is going to change, See me and my bestfriend Becky are starting a 90 day challenge and we are going to rock it!!!!

My start weight for this Journey is 178
My goal weight is 130 ( First Anyway)

I will HOPEFULLY be posting on the blog EVERYDAY or EVERYOTHER day just depends on if I can or not!!