Thursday, November 3, 2016

Day 4 Challenge :) (Slight Ramble)

So today was day 4 of OUR challenge and to honest I feel like I've
kind of failed
instead of doing my normal 42 minute workout I only was able to do half of it
today my kids did not nap long as normal which is an excuse and
that makes me feel like crap because I know I have it in me to do better
be better. Tomorrow I WILL do better.
Today my energy level was kind of on the lower side which is probably because
my eating has been really shitty today.
I need to find a balance for food intake and my workout because I cant seem to feel
like I'm making any difference with my body.
but I crave food so often I don't know what to do. I have tried drinking a bottle of  water before
eating and that doesn't help ive tried eating veggies before anything else with dinner doesn't work.
I really have to figure this out!!!

So anyhow its 12:32AM and I guess tomorrow or day 5
ill be doing an extra workout to help make up the missed half of the workout I didn't
get to finish today.
My bestfriend Becky is LEAVING me for a whole week!!!!!
which would be fine BUT I need her she's part of what keeps me going when I feel like I want to give up, Sorry this blog is more of a ramble of things slopped together. but sometimes
I don't know where to start or end the blog seeing as its sort of a diary for me to keep track of this journey from FAT TO FIT :)

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